Certificate for the production of plywood emission class E 0,5
Since April 2019, Russian Federation introduced a new GOST 3916.2-2018 “General purpose plywood with outer layers of softwood”. The new version of GOST received a formaldehyde emission class E 0.5.
The Ilim Timber branch in Bratsk obtained a certificate of conformity (No. 1990511) for the production of plywood (formaldehyde emission class E 0.5.), which was issued by “LESSERTIKA” - specialized certification agency for timber products.
Sawmill in Bratsk, is using ecologically tested resin in the production of plywood Since 2015. Ecological safety as well as high moisture and mechanical resistance are the main distinguishing features of Bratsk plywood. The actual indicators of formaldehyde emission of plywood manufactured in Bratsk is 0.01-0.25 mg /m2, which is 10 times safer than the standards of the new GOST 3916.2-2018 (1.5 mg /m2).
Ilim Timber imposes strict requirements for ecological standards, conducts regular laboratory diagnostics and works to improve quality of production. The use of resins with a low content of formaldehyde extends the application of Bratsk products in such areas as interior decoration, furniture production and use for children institutions and hospitals.
Branch in Bratsk also received a new expert opinion on compliance with the environmental regulations of the Customs Union.