Dear Customer,

Welcome to our Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020.
We value your opinion and see you as an important partner. That's why your answers are extremely important to us. It is our goal to be able to offer you even better products and services in the future.

Your information will be evaluated anonymously. In case you wish a personal contact, you also have the possibility to enter your e-mail address.

The survey will take about 10 minutes of your time.

From which of our mills do you get your goods?

Who is your main contact person at Ilim Timber:

Looking at our cooperation since JANUARY 2019:
1.How satisfied are you regarding the quality of the products?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), please answer the following questions:
1.1. Which products show quality issues?
Please name thickness, width and length:

1.2 Which specific quality issues did you encounter with the above named product?

1.3 Is this quality issue only affecting isolated boards or the whole consignment?

1.4. How would you rate the quality of our products compared to our competitors?

2. How satisfied are you regarding the period of processing your requests for quotation?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), can you please name reasons for this:

3. How satisfied are you regarding the quantity ordered vs. quantity delivered?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), please name reasons for this:

4. How satisfied are you regarding the timeliness of delivery?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), please answer the following questions:
4.1. Are you a self-collector or do you get material delivered?

4.2.  Can you please name a specific example of a delivery problem since January 2019; please name both product and planned delivery week/ month.

4.3. Did you get notified that delivery dates could not be met?

4.4. Were there any other delivery issues apart from the above incident?

4.5. As a self-collector how do you view the implementation of the “Time Slot” system?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), please name reasons for this:

4.6. Here you can give more information to the delivery dates, if you like:

5. How satisfied are you regarding the accessibility of the sales team?

If you are rather dissatisfied (less than 3), can you please name reasons for this:

6. How satisfied are you regarding the handling of claims & complaints?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), can you please name reasons for this:

7. How satisfied are you regarding the overall performance: overall process from enquiry to delivery?

If you are rather dissatisfied (3 or less), can you please name reasons for this:

8. How would you rate the overall performance of our company compared to our competitors:

9. How likely is it that you will recommend our company to someone? Please let us know if you have any other comments, requests or suggestions.

Here you can give your contact details, so we can contact you directly:


Ilim Timber Industry

22А, Sinopskaya Naberezhnaya,
St. Petersburg
191167 Russia +7(812) 332 7227 +7(812) 332 7375

Ust-Ilimsk Branch of Ilim Timber

UILPK Industrial site
666684, Ust'-Ilimsk, Irkutsk region, Russia +7 (3953) 590-480 (300)

Bratsk Branch of Ilim Timber

BLPK Industrial site
665718, Bratsk, Irkutsk region, Russia +7 (3953) 496-699

Shanghai Representative Office

168 Mid-Yincheng Rd, Pudong, Shanghai
200120, P.R.China +86 (21) 508 72280